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November 21, 2016

Thankful for New Adventures

Hello everyone!  Welcome to my brand-new blog, Kindergarten by Katie, where I hope to share my teaching adventures.  First of all, a HUGE thank you to Shanon over at Blogs Fit for a Queen (click here to visit) for my GORGEOUS blog design and logo!  I just love the design- it is so me!

So anyway, here's a little bit about me.  My name is Katie and I teach Kindergarten.  I have been teaching Kindergarten for 16 years now.  My heart belongs to my little ones and it's truly where I belong!  Below is a pic of my beautiful classroom...I apologize for the bad lighting.  No filters could help this photo!  But hopefully I can take better photos soon.

Away from the classroom, I am a wife and mom to three very big and very hairy children.  My hubby and I love big dogs...the bigger, the better.  When I met my hubby, he had just rescued two labs, and we still have one of them.  This is Humphrey.  He's 15, blind, and has 3 legs.  He is the world's best listener, study buddy, and the KING at our house.  He may be blind, but he sure knows when I'm cooking something yummy! (PS- I LOOOOVE to cook!)

Next is the diva.  Her name is Stella.  She is 11 and she made me believe in love at first sight.  She loves to sun herself and MUST be tucked in at bedtime.

Last, but certainly not least, is the baby of the family.  Gunner is 3 and is the life of the party.  He does not meet a stranger and loves everyone.  He has a very outgoing personality and LOVES to play.  He also loves to go for long walks with me. 

So, back to teaching. I have been creating my own resources for almost two years now, and I have finally opened a Teachers Pay Teachers store with LOTS of help from Shanon.  (Thank you!  You are awesome!)  You can click here to visit.  I only have a few items in it so far, but hope to add to it.  I am working on a new little item that I hope to post tomorrow.

Update- I just posted this! Click on the picture to see it in my store!

If you're still reading, THANK YOU!  Please leave me a comment and tell me how you found me!  Let me know what you'd like to see from me on this blog!